Thursday 18 November 2010
Peers Shows at PAN
I had great fun doing the odd day for them all and it got me back into the workshop making, whilst I was able to settle into London life again.
Monday 19 July 2010
Blogging Support
Wednesday 9 June 2010
and at Payne & Son in 131 High St, Oxford from 7th June until 30th June.
New work will be on display at both events.
Bert my chutney pot that was on display in the V&A earlier this year will be shown at Styles Silver along with his new family member - Sidney. (Image above and below).
I do hope you get the opportunity to go down to one of the events. Prices range from £115 for my newest book mark, Booty to £8000.
Silversmith Faces Marathon
I'm Running The Berlin Marathon for Changing Faces
please contact via email -
AM I MAD? Probably, but then I think most silversmiths are, but my love for silver has taken me one step closer to my research and I find myself running the Berlin Marathon FOR CHANGING FACES this coming September.
Imagine being stared at, talked about, pointed at or hearing rude remarks about you every day. Living with a disfigurement or even supporting someone who has a disfigurement can be a distressing and isolating experience.
When people meet someone with a disfigurement they can often feel scared or embarrassed. People tend not to know what to do or say. This can lead to insensitive and hurtful behaviour.
For children this can mean that they are bullied and teased. This in turn leads to behavioural problems, poor academic performance and difficulties in making friends.
Low self-esteem and self-confidence in adults who have disfigurements can lead them to believe that a relationship, a good job, a family, or even simply friendship is out of the question, as they believe ‘there is no future for someone who looks like me.’
All of these people, you and I need to be helped and educated to encourage a positive change in the movement towards facial equality. This is where Changing Faces comes in.
I am running (so you don’t have to) the Berlin Marathon on the 25th September 2010 their aid.
Please help me to make a difference. Give someone back their hope and help them to learn to live with who they are.
Support the race for facial equality and give what ever you can. It can go a huge way.
Here’s HOW?
£1 sends a self-help booklet to a parent so that they can learn to manage reactions to their child’s appearance
£15 enables a specially trained counsellor to offer emotional support and advice over the telephone.
£70 enables a specially trained counsellor to offer emotional support and advice during a one-to-one counselling session
£100 secures a workshop place for one person to learn life skills to manage social situations and the reactions of others.
£250 enables a school specialist to provide in-school support and training to teachers, families, pupils and support workers.
Thank you xx
New Body Of Work
This has developed with my research into the structure of our skin and what happens to it and ourselves when it becomes damaged. It is a little known fact that 1 in 150 people in the UK suffer some degree of scarring or disfigurement. I wish to transform what people can often see as distasteful or ugly, deformed or offensive into something beautiful, alluring and coveted. I believe silverware should be held and caressed, just as those with misfortune should be loved and admired.
Wednesday 12 May 2010
Bedside Delights
Friday 30 April 2010
This year's British Silver Week Launch was in The Pangolin Gallery, Kings Cross, London. And what a lovely venue it was for it too. The silverware was dazzleing in the sunlight, that kept us, rather warm all day. What a great day it was though, very well attended and such talent to see and many friendly faces to chat to.
Thursday 28 January 2010
The Local Paper Writes...In DUTCH
Stichting "Silver in Motion" werkbezoek zilvergalerie Watertoren
dinsdag 26 januari 2010
Gita Straver heeft tijdens haar bezoek aan de zilvergalerie in de Watertoren een gesprek gehad met Paul de Vries die vertelde over de stichting ‘Silver in Motion’, een platform voor liefhebbers van de hedendaagse zilverkunst. Het bevorderen van ambachtelijke en innovatieve vaardigheden van de zilversmeedkunst vormen de brede doelstelling van de stichting die in 2007 is opgericht. Paul de Vries, zilversmid met internationale bekendheid, vindt ‘het artistieke aspect’ zeker zo belangrijk als ‘het vakmanschap’. Daarom zijn er master classes opgericht. Jonge zilversmeden vanuit de hele wereld, met een voltooide academische opleiding in de zilverkunst, kunnen hier in groepjes van 4 of 5 onder professionele begeleiding een eigen collectie opbouwen. Zij maken gebruik van de goed ingerichte werkplaatsen van Schoonhovens bekendste zilversmeden, zoals Jan van Nouhuys en Titiaan de Geer. Het project is zeer succesvol en geeft veel allure aan het Schoonhovense zilverimago.
Er zijn plannen om in samenwerking met het NGZK-museum de master classes een eigen atelierruimte te bieden. In 2010 is door de gemeente hiervoor een bedrag gereserveerd op de begroting in het kader van de regeling van kleinschalige bedrijvigheid. D66 zal dit project de komende raadsperiode ondersteunen. Het draagt bij aan het zilverimago van de stad en het trekt hoogwaardige innovatieve werkgelegenheid naar Schoonhoven.
Elisabeth Peers, zilversmid uit Groot-Brittanniƫ, is een zilveren vaas aan het drijven. Heel speciaal is het creatief uitgangspunt bij haar ontwerpen. Organische verminkingen door ongelukken of geweld vormen de basis van haar kunstuiting. Zo wordt misvorming een pracht vorm.
Wednesday 13 January 2010
New Year
Well, First off I must dig myself out of the snow so that I can make it to the workshop and shake off the cold, grab a cup of tea and settle in to things.
I have heard great news - I have been awarded sponsorship from Cooksons to take part in British Silver Week 2010 so I shall start with preparations and new work for this. The theme is summer time, difficult to think about that when it's -4 outside, but i shall light a fire and get to work!
Next up, where will I work - well I hope to continue my hammering in Zilverstad, Holland in the beautiful Watertoren. I am in persuit of some funding from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to do this. The funding would offer such a opportunity to me. I have designs and concepts that I REALLY want to explore if the funding is successful and until I hear I can't tell you what the new work is about, so keep your fingers crossed.
Next, The show that has been housed in the V&A, Whiteley Galleries since July, displaying my piece Bert (known by the V&A as Hector) - Contemporary Silver -The Bishopsland Fellowship 1979 - 2009 will be moving to the Dovecot Studios in Edinburgh in February. (details to follow)
Next, well that's enough for now, lets leave fate and the New Year's Angel something to create. (all good, happy things please, if you're listening up there) x